onsdag 18. august 2010

17.august: Sedona + Grand Canyon, Arizona

Theme song: "Ain't no mountain high enough"

We left Winslow a little later than planned due to car trouble, but at least the car was fixed! We headed for Sedona, a small town down in a valley. It was quite the drive. Huge rocks and mountains on all sides as we made our way down the mountain.It was amazing and frightening at the same time.

 And just as we got to the bottom thunder and rain caught up with us and we were stuck at a Dairy Queen for half an hour. It was enough time for us to get some icecream! Yum!

We had planned to go swimming at Slide Rocks, but it was still raining and our Annual Pass was only good for National Parks and not State Parks as this was. That settled it, and we climbed up the mountain and headed straight to Grand Canyon. But of course, we stopped on the way to do some shopping..bracelets and necklaces made by Native Americans of local stones - we like it!
When we had rain in the bottom of the valley, it looked like it had been snowing on our way up due to hail. It was so cool!

We arrived at the Canyon at 6 pm, we thought it might be too late and dark to get any pictures, but no! Just as we drove to the first view point, Navajo Point, the sun started to set and by the second point, Lipan Point, we vitnessed the most amazing sunset so far! It was so beautiful, and I was so happy that I bought my new camera for this trip. I have some great pictures of it, but I probably won't post them until I get back to Norway. But here is a picture from our other camera though:
Beautiful, right?

Navajo Point

Watch Tower at Grand Canyon
 After the sun had set it was pitch dark, and we didn't see that much of the canyon. We then decided to camp just outside so we could come back and see the rest the next day. So we did! We payed only $25 to camp (which is cheap compared to the motels around G.C.). The lady at the Tusayan Camping told us that her husband was Norwegian, she was very friendly and talked a lot! Jim (UC's host dad) had packed a tent, sleeping bags, an inflatable matress and everything else one might need when camping. Before we put up the tent we decided to get something to eat. So we had pizza at "We make Pizza and Pasta" (yeah, that was what it was called!!) and some huge mugs of beers.
That made putting up the tent soooo much more fun, and luckily we had parked right next to the restrooms..hehe!
The tent- pic taken the next day :)
 After dinner and a couple of beers we were almost asleep so we decided to get to bed early. So we did. The night was peaceful until the thunderstorm hit us again and we thought the tent would fly away as the wind got a hold of it. But we made it through the night and actually got up at a decent hour today. First time on this trip. Then we headed for Hoover Dam and Las Vegas. Stay tuned :)


5 kommentarer:

  1. Nå er det New York som snart står for tur med shopping og moro.Fint at kjøreturen har gått greit med mange fine opplevelser.Her er det rundt 35 - 40 grader hele tiden så det vi gjør er å bade. Sindre har nå lært seg å svømme og det under vannet med dykkermaske på. Vi sover igrunn dårligm her p.g.av varmen for vi har ikke aircondition- har ikke valgt det.
    Hilsen mamma og pappa på Minne. Hanne og Sindre hilser også

  2. Hei Vibekke!
    Du redder en ellers kjedelig nattvakt dine spennende reiseberetninger..

    Jeg fant faktisk ut at du var i GranD Canyon FØR jeg leste bloggen din - kan du gjette hvordan (hint: big brother :)?

    Det med solnedgangen høres bare het fantastisk ut!


  3. Hei!

    Dette var skuffende... Nå har jeg gledet meg stort i et døgn til å lese om Las Vegas, hvor dere bor og hva dere har gjort - men så var det ikke noe nytt innlegg i dag :-( Hva skjer? Er dere i camblingmodus og har glemt tid og sted? Kan jo ikke la oss vente på denne måten!! Kos dere masse! Gleder meg til neste oppdatering :-)


  4. hei!!! nemlig! skjer med vegas a...?? egner med at du skaffer gil grissoms autograf til meg (finnes på ordentlig! don't deprive me of that belief!) ;P
    hvordan går det med dere der ute? :) broren din og jeg sitter hjemme og er kjempemisunnelige. sier seg selv.... ha en fortsatt flott tur! <3


  5. Andrés: I aim to please :) hehe! Kjempemoro at folk følger med på bloggen vår, det gir oss mer motivasjon til å holde den oppdatert :)

    Marianne: hehe, nå er det post fra Vegas, og det MED bilder :) Bloggingen ble litt nedprioritert i Vegas gitt, mest fordi hotellet ikke hadde WiFi, så vi måtte sitte på et sted med internett-kabel og skrive. Latskapen leve, vi utsatte det :) Men nå er vi tilbake på veien og trådløst internett! Kult at du følger med på bloggen :)

    Lene: I Vegas skjedde alt mulig, derfor ble det lite blogging..men nå er vi back on track :) Så klart hilste jeg på Gil Grissom! Hihi..hver gang det var en sirene tenkte jeg på CSI.
    Vi har det supert! Nå er vi straks på vei i poolen før vi kjører mot Highway 1 i retning San Fran. Hils brodern og si at det er bare å ringe :)
